Hello! Here log in or register
Location: Frankfurt am Main

1. Do I have to pay for the registration?

No - the registration and the services are for free.

2. My data - are they safe?

Yes - all data are hosted on our own servers according to strict German privacy standards. No data are offloaded to virtual data centers (clouds).

3. How can I sign up with YouPickIt?

You can create an account under www.youpickit.de or in our app under the menu 'Pick in' -> 'Register Now'. For this you need a valid e-mail address, as well as a password (at least 6 characters). After successful registration you will receive an e-mail with a confirmation link which you must click to activate your YouPickIt account.

4. I signed up, but did not get the confirmation email. What do I have to do?

  1. First, please check if your mailbox is possibly overcrowded and therefore you can not receive any new mails. Tip: Empty your email bin!
  2. If there is enough space and the mail has not arrived yet, look into the junk or spam folder of your mailbox. Maybe it landed there.
  3. If our mail can not be found there, please check if you have entered your email address correctly when registering. If this is the error, just fill in the registration form again with the correct address.

5. I have corrected my email address, but I can not register again.

If you can not sign up again with the corrected email address and the following message appears: "This email address is already registered.", there may be certain settings in your mailbox that hinder you to receive our confirmation mail. In this case you should contact us directly under info@youpickit.de and we will find a solution.

6. How can I change my password and my email address?

For this, simply click on your email address on the homepage of our website www.youpickit.de. Under the menu point 'Change password' you can easily create a new one.
If you wish to change your email address, please let us know by e-mail at info@youpickit.de.

7. Why do I have to indicate my postal code and/or to determine my position?

We need your postal code or your position for sending you the suitable promotions, stores and petrol stations in your surrounding.

8. My position does not exactly match my surrounding How can I specify the position more precisely?

You can determine your exact position on the website www.youpickit.de. If you click 'Location', you can move the blue marker on the map with the mouse. If you then save the 'New location' and set the check mark 'Save as home address', this position is saved as your home address and will be set automatically each time you log in - regardless of the device you use (website, app or mobile version).

9. Why is it not possible to enlarge the radius at my position?

The maximum radius refers to the number of markets in your surrounding. If this number is too high in a 25km radius, it is automatically reduced. If this means that interesting stores within your surrounding are missing, check point 10 and you find how you can see these markets nevertheless.

10. Certain markets that I like to visit are not located near my home address - how can I observe these nevertheless?

You can observe these markets by saving them as favorites - favorite markets are always shown in the results. Simply search the store via the search function on the start page and you will see the nearest ones of the dealer - even if they are not in your surrounding.

11. There is a market near to me that does not exist anymore - when is this store removed?

From time to time, single stores close. Therefore we try to keep the number of stores up to date. You can help us by informing us about closures in your surrounding. Just click on the relevant store and then on the click area 'Store notice?' on the relevant store page. We will check it and then remove the store.

12. I miss one store that is new and/or important for me. When will I see it on YouPickIt?

If a new store has opened in your surrounding, you can help us by informing us of the opening. Write us a short mail with the name of the market and the exact address.After checking it, we will add it as soon as possible.

13. Why can I use some functions only when I am registered? Why do I need an account with YouPickIt?

For using all functions (e.g. favorites, PickAlarms, shopping list, shopping optimizer, budget book), you have to be registered. The registration allows you to use YouPickIt on different devices or via the website and via the apps at the same time, without having to create your favorites and shopping list several times. Your data is automatically synced to all your devices. In this way, your data will not be lost, for example, if you lose your smartphone or get a new one.

14. What is the PickOMeter? How do you calculate the savings?

The PickOMeter shows you how cheap a price really is at just one glance. The greener the price, the cheaper the price and/or the product.
The savings is calculated from the local average price of the product. The average price is marked as a black bar and with the average symbol.

15. What do the silver, gold and bronze seals stand for?

Our so-called PickSeals divide the prices into 3 categories - gold, silver and bronze. Silver and bronze picks are cheap offers, but a golden PickSeal (gold pick) stands for the ultimate YouPickIt recommendation to buy - you won't get it cheaper!

16. What is a PickAlarm?

You can use the PickAlarm function (alarm clock icon) to automatically receive notifications of offers from your favorite products or new flyers of your favorite stores via e-mail.
You can deactivate your PickAlarms at any time by setting the general notification to 'No' and save.

17. What is the shopping optimizer? How does it work?

The shopping optimizer is a shopping list with money saving function, which you can create on our homepage or your smartphone. There are several optimizing possibilities.
You can fill your shopping list with, for example:

  • Promotions from the interactive flyers
  • Products you want to buy by using the barcode scanner function in the app
  • Promotions from your individual PickAlarms

On our website, the optimizer is on each page in a small version on the right side of the page or can also be filled directly via a separate search function. If you completed your shopping list, you can automatically optimize each product or the entire list automatically. The following four options are available:

  • Cheapest price For all products, the cheapest price determined.
  • Cheapest stores: For all products and in 3 markets at max, the cheapest price determined.
  • Only favorite stores: For all products, the cheapest price in your favorite stores is determined.
  • Buy everything in one store: An overview is generated that shows the costs of the complete purchase - sorted by increasing total amount. The list can be ticked off via the smartphone and transferred to the budget book.

18. What is the budget book?

The budget book gives you an overview of all your purchases made. You can set a monthly budget and see in an overview how much will be left after each purchase for the rest of the month. You can edit the list later.

19. Where can I find the budget book in the app?

At the moment you can not use the budget book via the app, only via our website www.youpickit.de. But you can transfer your purchases via the app into the budget book and then view and edit them on the website.

20. Woher bezieht YouPickIt die Tankstellen-Preise und -Daten?

YouPickIt ist offiziell vom Bundeskartellamt als Verbraucher-Informationsdienst zur Bereitstellung der Preisdaten der Markttransparenzstelle für Kraftstoffe zugelassen. Alle Tankstellen-Preise und -Daten, die derzeit auf YouPickIt ausgewiesen werden, stammen von der Markttransparenzstelle für Kraftstoffe.

21. Warum sehe ich nicht alle Tankstellen in einem Ort?

Nicht jede Tankstelle ist dazu verpflichtet, der Markttransparenzstelle für Kraftstoffe Preisdaten zu übermitteln. Somit kann es dazu kommen, dass vereinzelte Tankstellen, die von der Meldepflicht befreit sind, nicht ausgewiesen werden.

22. Warum sehe ich nur Preise zu Diesel, Super E10 und Super E5?

Die meldepflichtigen Tankstellen müssen lediglich die Preise dieser drei Kraftstoffarten an die Markttransparenzstelle für Kraftstoffe übermitteln.

23. Wie kann ich Fehler zu den Tankstellendaten melden?

Per Klick auf den Tankstellenmarker in der Kartenansicht bzw. den Tankstellenpreis in der Preisübersicht lässt sich die zu meldende Tankstelle auswählen. Über die "Fehler melden"-Funktion können Beschwerden einfach unter Angabe der Art des Fehlers und der Korrektur eingereicht werden.

24. Wann werden Preisfehler bzw. Fehler zu Tankstellendaten korrigiert wenn ich diese melde?

Preise und Tankstellendaten, die von der Markttransparenzstelle für Kraftstoffe übermittelt werden, dürfen von den zugelassenen Verbraucherinformationsdiensten nicht verändert werden. Beschwerden werden gesammelt und regelmäßig an das Bundeskartellamt weitergeleitet, welches dafür Sorge trägt, dass entsprechende Korrekturen der Daten vorgenommen werden. Jede Preisänderung wird stets automatisch zeitnah im System dargestellt.

All information and prices without guarantee - the store price always applies
* Displayed amounts may include average prices and therefore differ from current store prices.