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Location: Frankfurt am Main

How YouPickIt works…

Local promotions and stores

Browse the offers in your area, leaf through the current flyers or get an overview of the markets in your surrounding.


We compare all the prices in your surrounding for a product to show you how cheap a price really is. The thermometer shows the lowest and highest price that the product has had, as well as the average price and the saving on that price. The greener the price, the cheaper the promotion!

Gold, silver and bronze picks

All promotions that are additionally marked by a seal ("Pick") are especially favorable! The further grading of gold, silver and bronze goes without saying.

The shopping optimizer

The times of exhausting hand-to-hand comparison are over, as YouPickIt knows all the prices. The question of whether it pays off for a good action to visit another store answers the portal with a simple click. Just fill the shopping list with products and start optimizing: buy only the cheapest products or only in your favorite store or buy everything in the cheapest market? Choose what fits and YouPickIt instantly shows WHAT, WHERE and WHEN you make the best bargains!


Create your shopping list with YouPickIt and tick your items on your smartphone in the store. Whether mobile or stationary, all versions are linked - you only need your PickIn data. <br /> You get an overview of all prices for your selected products and you can add more products while shopping. With the completion of your shopping, you can transfer your items to the budget book.

Barcodescanner + PriceCheck

As a highlight, not only the current offers of a scanned article can be determined with the barcode scanner, but also the immediate price comparison on-site.

Interactive flyer

At a glance you will see your favorites as well as all gold, silver and bronze picks.

Promotion zoom

The action zoom enables you to put a product directly from the flyer on the shopping list and create favorites and pick-alarms.


Put your favorite products and stores to the favorites list. Just one glance onto your favorites page informs you of interesting favorites promotions.


Create PickAlarms for your favorites and get notified by email as soon as there are new promotions for these products or markets. You can filter according to different criteria or set price limits. <br /> A link in the mail leads you to the corresponding product or market page on YouPickIt, where you can directly look at the latest flyers and promotions.

Budget book

You can transfer your shopping items directly into your budget book - even on the go. So you have your sights on your expenses and always know how much of your monthly budget is left.

Mini symbols

Our mini symbols show you wether a promotion is valid under certain conditions - for example, prices for multiple items (=M), coupon prices (=C) or add-on's (=Z). When you mouse over the respective symbols in the offer, you see what they stand for.
All information and prices without guarantee - the store price always applies
* Displayed amounts may include average prices and therefore differ from current store prices.